Showing posts with label Double DES. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Double DES. Show all posts

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Double DES | Data Encryption Standard | DES Algorithm

Double DES

Double DES Encryption

Double DES performs the same operations as DES only difference is that double DES use two keys K1 & K2.

First it performs encryption on plain text P, which is encrypted using K1 and obtains first cipher text C1.

Again, cipher text C1 is encrypted by using another key K2 & generate final cipher text C2. 

Figure : Double DES Encryption

Double DES Decryption

Decryption of double DES is reverse of encryption.

First it performs decryption on cipher text C2, which is decrypted using K2 and obtains cipher text C1.

Again, cipher text C1 is decrypted by using another key K1 & generate original plain text P.

Figure : Double DES Decryption

To learn more about Double DES, Click here

    Watch more videos click here.