Showing posts with label Data Encryption Standard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Data Encryption Standard. Show all posts

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Triple DES | Triple DES with 2 keys | Triple DES with 3 keys | Data Encryption Standard | Multiple DES


DES is a symmetric block cipher (shared secret key), it uses a key length of 56-bits.

In Triple DES, each of the three rounds can be performed either encryption or decryption process using DES algorithm. It generates eight different possible modes for Triple DES. Triple DES is stronger than single DES because it performs more rounds of encryption.

Triple DES encrypts input data three times. The three keys are referred to as K1, K2 and K3.

Triple DES works with two ways:

Triple DES with 3 Keys


Triple DES performs the same operation as double DES. Triple DES using three keys K1, K2 & K3 while encrypting plain text.

First it performs encryption on plaintext P, which is encrypted using K1 and obtains first cipher text C1.

Again, this cipher text is encrypted using key K2 which obtain the second cipher text C2.

Which is again encrypted using K3 & generate final cipher text C3.

Figure: Triple DES encryption using 3 keys


Decryption of Triple DES is reverse of encryption.

In triple DES decryption process final cipher text C3 decrypt using K3, result is cipher text C2.

C2 will be decrypt with K2 and get C1 cipher text.

Then C1 cipher text decrypt with K1 key and get original plain text P.

Figure: Triple DES decryption using 3 keys

Triple DES with 2 Keys


Triple DES performs the same operation as double DES.

Triple DES using two keys K1 & K2 while encrypting plain text.

First it performs encryption on plaintext P, which is encrypted using K1 obtains first cipher text C1.

Again, this cipher text is encrypted using key K2 which obtain the second cipher text C2.

Which is again encrypted using K1 & generate final cipher text C3.

Figure: Triple DES encryption using 2 keys


Decryption of Triple DES is reverse of encryption.

In triple DES decryption process final cipher text C3 decrypt using K1, result is cipher text C2.

C2 will be decrypt with K2 and get C1 cipher text.

Then C1 cipher text decrypt with K1 key and get original plain text P.

Figure: Triple DES decryption using 2 keys

To learn more about Triple DES, Click here

    Watch more videos click here.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Double DES | Data Encryption Standard | DES Algorithm

Double DES

Double DES Encryption

Double DES performs the same operations as DES only difference is that double DES use two keys K1 & K2.

First it performs encryption on plain text P, which is encrypted using K1 and obtains first cipher text C1.

Again, cipher text C1 is encrypted by using another key K2 & generate final cipher text C2. 

Figure : Double DES Encryption

Double DES Decryption

Decryption of double DES is reverse of encryption.

First it performs decryption on cipher text C2, which is decrypted using K2 and obtains cipher text C1.

Again, cipher text C1 is decrypted by using another key K1 & generate original plain text P.

Figure : Double DES Decryption

To learn more about Double DES, Click here

    Watch more videos click here.

Friday, September 10, 2021

How does DES algorithm works | Working of DES Algorithm | DES Encryption Process | explain working of des algorithm


DES Algorithm


Developed in early 1970’s at IBM and submitted to NBS. DES is landmark in cryptographic algorithms. DES works based on Feistel Cipher Structure. DES is symmetric cipher algorithm and use block cipher method for encryption and decryption.

Figure : Process of DES

Key Discarding Process

Figure : Key Discarding Process

Steps of DES

Step – 1: 64-bit plain text block is given to Initial Permutation (IP) function.

Step – 2: IP performed on 64-bit plain text block.

Step – 3: IP produced two halves of the permuted block known as Left Plain Text (LPT) and Right Plain Text (RPT).

Step – 4: Each LPT and RPT performed 16-rounds of encryption process.

Step – 5: LPT and RPT rejoined and Final Permutation (FP) is performed on combined block.

Step – 6: 64-bit Cipher text block is generated.

Figure : Steps of DES

Initial Permutation (IP) & Generate LPT -RPT

Initial Permutation performed only once. Bit sequence have changed as per IP table.

For Example: 1st bit takes 40th Position, 58th bit take 1st position

Output of IP is divided into two equal halves known as LPT, RPT. (LPT – 32 bits, RPT – 32 bit) 

16 Rounds of Encryption

Step – 1: Key Transformation (56-bit key)

Key Bit Shifted per round

Compression Permutation

Step – 2: Expansion permutation of Plain Text and X-OR (P.T. size: 48 bit, C.T. size: 48 bit)

Step – 3: S-box Substitution

Step – 4: P-box (Permutation)

Step – 5: X-OR and Swap.

Figure : 16 rounds of encryption

Step – 1: Key Bit Shifted per Round

56-bit key is divided into two halves each of 28-bits.

Circular left shift is performed on each half.

Shifting of Bit position is depending on round.

For round number 1,2,9 and 16 shifts are done by one position.

For remaining rounds shift is done by 2 positions.


Compression Permutation

56-bit input with bit shifting position

Generates 48-bit key (Compression of Key bit)

Drop 9, 18, 22, 25, 35, 38, 43 and 54 bits.

Generated 48 bits keys are as below:


Step – 2: Expansion Permutation and X-OR

32-bit RPT of IP is expanded to 48-bits

Expansion permutation steps:

32-bit RPT is divided into 8-blocks each of 4-bits


48-bit RPT is XORed with 48-bit Key and output is given to S-Box.


Step – 3: S-BOX Substitution


Step -4: P-BOX Permutation

Output of s-box is given to p-box

32-bit is permuted with 16 x 2 permutation table

For Example: 16th bit of S-box takes 1st Position as per below permutation table.


Step – 5: XOR and SWAP

32-bit LPT is XORed with 32-bit p-box.


1st round of encryption is completed. Now remaining 15 rounds will be performed same as 1st round.

Final Permutation

At the end of the 16 rounds, the final permutation is performed (only once).

For Example: 40th bit of input takes 1st Position as per below permutation table.


The output of the final permutation is the 64-bit encrypted block (64-bit cipher text block).


Strength of DES

Key Length (Use of 56-bit Key): 256 Possible Keys (7.2 x 1016 Keys), Brute force attack takes more than thousand Years

Use of S-boxes: Complex Structure of S-box, Scope of attack is very less

DES is Reversible algorithm


Weakness of DES

Trying all 256 possible keys are not much harder these days. If you spend at least $25 K you can build DES password crackers that will successes in few hours.

Two chosen input to an S-box can create the same output.

The purpose of initial and final permutation is not clear.


Avalanche Effect in DES

The small change in Plain text or Key produce a significant change in the Cipher text.

DES Provide a strong Avalanche effect due to complexity of algorithm.

To learn more about DES Algorithm, Click here

To learn more about DES Algoritham Example (using Animation), Click here

Watch more videos click here.