DES is a
symmetric block cipher (shared secret key), it uses a key length of 56-bits.
In Triple
DES, each of the three rounds can be performed either encryption or decryption
process using DES algorithm. It generates eight different possible modes for Triple
DES. Triple DES is stronger than single DES because it performs more rounds of
DES encrypts input data three times. The three keys are referred to as K1, K2
and K3.
Triple DES works with two ways:
Triple DES with 3 Keys
DES performs the same operation as double DES. Triple DES using three keys K1,
K2 & K3 while encrypting plain text.
First it
performs encryption on plaintext P, which is encrypted using K1 and
obtains first cipher text C1.
this cipher text is encrypted using key K2 which obtain the
second cipher text C2.
Which is again encrypted using K3 & generate final cipher text C3.
Figure: Triple DES encryption using 3 keys
of Triple DES is reverse of encryption.
In triple
DES decryption process final cipher text C3 decrypt using K3,
result is cipher text C2.
C2 will be
decrypt with K2 and get C1 cipher text.
Then C1 cipher text decrypt with K1 key and get original plain text P.
Figure: Triple DES decryption using 3 keys
Triple DES with 2 Keys
DES performs the same operation as double DES.
DES using two keys K1 & K2 while encrypting plain text.
First it
performs encryption on plaintext P, which is encrypted using K1
obtains first cipher text C1.
this cipher text is encrypted using key K2 which obtain the
second cipher text C2.
Which is again encrypted using K1 & generate final cipher text C3.
Figure: Triple DES encryption using 2 keys
of Triple DES is reverse of encryption.
In triple
DES decryption process final cipher text C3 decrypt using K1,
result is cipher text C2.
C2 will be decrypt with K2 and get C1 cipher text.
Then C1 cipher text decrypt with K1 key and get original plain text P.
Figure: Triple DES decryption using 2 keys
To learn more about Triple DES, Click here