There are
basically two types of symmetric cipher: Substitution Cipher, Transposition
Cipher: A substitution is a technique in which each letter or bit of
the plaintext is substituted or replaced by some other letter, number or symbol
to produce cipher text. For Example, ABC ⟹ XYZ.
Types of
Substitution Cipher: Caesar Cipher, Monoalphabetic Cipher, Vigenère
Cipher, Playfair Cipher, One time pad cipher (Vernam cipher), Hill Cipher.
Cipher: In transposition technique, there is no replacement of
alphabets or numbers occurs instead their positions are changed or reordering
of position of plain text is done to produce cipher text. For Example,
Types of Transposition Cipher: Rail
Fence Cipher, Columnar Transposition Cipher.
Hill Cipher
Cipher is polyalphabetic substitution cipher. This technique was developed by
mathematician Laster Hill. Hill cipher based on linear algebra. Input of this
technique are keyword and plain text. Keyword is given in matrix form.
Rules of encryption is as
Step-1: Assign a
number to each character of the Plain-Text, like (a = 0, b = 1, c = 2, … z =
25). As per given table.
For Example, Plain Text = SUNDAY ⇒ S = 18, U = 20, N = 13, D = 3, A = 0, Y = 24
Step-2: 2x2 or 3x3 key matrix is given,
Step-3: Make a
group of plain text as per given key matrix size. Each pair of plain text
multiply with key matrix.
Example, Plain Text = SUNDAY
If key
matrix is 2 x 2, Plain text divided in into group of 2 alphabets: SU ND
If key
matrix is 3 x 3, Plain text divided in into group of 3 alphabets: SUN DAY
Step-4: Multiplication
of plain text matrix and key word matrix generate new matrix.
Step-5: Newly
generated matrix values modules with 26.
Step-6: After
modules 26, matrix values assign characters using rule no 1 table. It generates
final cipher text.
Rules of decryption is as
Step-1: Assign a
number to each character of the cipher text, like (a = 0, b = 1, c = 2, … z =
25). As per given table.
For Example, Cipher Text = SUNDAY ⇒ S = 18, U = 20, N = 13, D = 3, A = 0, Y = 24
Step-2: Find the
inverse of given key matrix (2x2 or 3x3),
Step-3: Make a
group of Cipher text as per given key matrix size. Each pair of Cipher text
multiply with inverse key matrix.
Example, Plain Text = SUNDAY
If key
matrix is 2 x 2, Plain text divided in into group of 2 alphabets: SU ND
If key
matrix is 3 x 3, Plain text divided in into group of 3 alphabets: SUN DAY
Step-4: Multiplication
of cipher text matrix and inverse key word matrix generate new matrix.
Step-5: Newly
generated matrix values modules with 26.
Step-6: After
modules 26, matrix values assign characters using rule no 1 table. It generates
final plain text.
Example of Hill Cipher (Key
Matrix 2x2)
Encryption Process
Decryption Process
Example of Hill Cipher (Key
Matrix 3x3)
To learn more about Hill Cipher, Click here
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